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The Human Side of Artificial General Intelligence


By Zeya Qamar


10-Minute Read

Artificial General intelligence, as the name suggests, is not natural intelligence; it’s artificial, right? The only edge that a man has over animals is intelligence, the human brain and the mind. When we visualize artificial intelligence (AI), what comes into our heads first? We usually imagine a machine-like character, robots, and code. But what about the human side of Artificial General Intelligence? Yes, you read that right—human side! Is it trailblazing robots taking over the world? Or probably the innovative voice assistants we are gradually accustomed to (credit goes to Siri and Alexa). AI is often regarded as a substitute for human interaction. But here’s the catch: AI is just as human as it is technical or mechanical. No, seriously. There’s an in-depth human side to AI, so let’s deep dive into that astonishingly warm and fuzzy part of the AI world.

AI is the last invention made by humans. After this, every invention will be made by a machine.

Human and AI

The Heartbeat of Artificial General Intelligence: People

AI might be about machine learning, algorithms, and neural networks, but these are impossible without the most important ingredient—people. Human creativity has led to the birth of every AI system, i.e., from the simplest chatbot to the most advanced self-driving car with problem-solving mechanics and empathy. That’s right: empathy. Because, when Artificial General Intelligence came into existence, made by humans, we needed to take care of solving problems that affected people, which means we’re constructing it with humans in mind, i.e., the human side of Artificial General Intelligence.

Let’s understand this with an example in healthcare. The revolutionary AI systems are immensely helping doctors to detect diseases earlier, forecast patient outcomes, and even create customized treatment plans. These solutions driven by of Artificial General Intelligence-systems aren’t simply about fancy tech—they’re about improving healthcare, saving lives, and, in many cases, giving people a second life, adding value to the Human Side of Artificial General Intelligence.

AI in Healthcare

The Emotional Connection

Now, let’s discuss the elephant in the room: Does AI have emotions? Spoiler alert—it doesn’t. At least not for now! But things get interesting when AI can understand and even mimic human emotions. That’s the human side of AI. People’s feelings can be interpreted by powerful tools like sentiment analysis software based on the words they exercise. That’s the reason when you’re in a funk, you get those eerily accurate song recommendations that you wish to have. The tech doesn’t have sense or feelings to understand, but it understands how to read ours. Spooky, right?

We all probably might get frustrated or upset while encountering customer care service. Artificial General Intelligence chatbots and virtual assistants are pretty good at detecting our concerns, and they adjust their response by providing a more sympathetic tone or accelerating the issue to a human representative who can help with a better response. It’s another matter that AI isn’t dropping tears over sad movies with us, but it’s certainly learning how to react and understand our emotional cues by giving a thumbs up to The Human Side of Artificial General Intelligence

Human Creativity Meets AI Power

One of the most electrifying pieces of stuff about AI is how it intensifies human creativity. Just ponder about writers, musicians, or artists who are using AI to improve their work. Artificial General Intelligence can generate art, compose music, and even help write screenplays. But here’s the twist: human creativity can’t be replaced by AI; it’s generously arming us with new tools to play with.

Gone are the days when artists mockup ideas or draw surreal visuals that might have taken tiresome days or weeks by hand, which is now possible very quickly by AI tools like DALL·E or Midjourney (AI art generators). It’s like having an artistic assistant that turns a vision into realism quicker than ever before. The result? Substantial time for humans to focus on the creative stuff, like experimenting, brainstorming, and perfecting their art.

Making Artificial General Intelligence Ethical: It’s All on Us

With great power comes huge responsibility, right? AI’s potential is enormous, but ethical considerations are of paramount concern to avoid its grave misuse that may affect human values. The responsibility is on us to make sure AI is developed and utilized in ethical ways that are impartial, transparent, candid, and respectful of privacy. Artificial General Intelligence Ethical, after all, is a pool of huge data, and it’s trained on and predicts who pedals that data. Yep, we do.

That’s the reason, now focus is to give a big push around ethical AI. The Human Side of Artificial General Intelligence holds a major significance, and it’s not just teaching machines to think—we’re training them to contemplate in ways that associate with our values. The real problem in AI is bias, but it can be resolved and fixed by ensuring the data we feed into AI systems. It should be diverse and representative of everyone. Since AI is a reflection of us, we need to make sure we’re content with what’s being reflected.

Ethical AI

AI and Jobs: Are We All Doomed?

Let’s speak about another biggie that is making a huge noise around the corner. Artificial General Intelligence is taking our jobs. Such fear is not new, when the first assembly line of robots showed up, then the fear was there. But the reality is something else—AI isn’t coming to rob you of your job rather it’s coming to make your job a little easier by learning and implementing its features. The nature of work will be changed by AI but it’s also opening entirely new frontiers and opportunities.

Companies are getting support from Artificial General Intelligence in streamlining repetitive tasks, allowing humans more time to concentrate on what we do best: think innovatively, solve complicated problems, and be creative. It’s like having an exceptionally efficient companion who never complains of getting tired or needs a coffee break..

Conclusion-The Future of Artificial General Intelligence: A Partnership

What will the human-AI journey be like? Is it game over for the people? Or will the Machine realize to co-exist with Man? Or the other way around? Like humans learned to live with animals of lesser intellect, like the dog or the chimpanzee. Going forward as we look into the future, the association between Artificial General Intelligence and humans is going to be more than a partnership than anything else. AI will handle the tedious, the mundane, and the complex problems, while we’ll bring empathy, creativity, and strategic thinking to the table. And there you have it! The Human Side of Artificial General Intelligence is not just about machines, it’s about how we train the AI to shape the future of technology to get along with us, for us, and most pragmatically around us.

So, the next time when someone whispers into your ear that Artificial General Intelligence is taking over the world, just remind them: AI is only as dominant as the humans behind it. It’s here to enhance our lives, not replace us. In fact, the more we will deep dive into AI, the more we realize that the real power lies in the association between human skill and artificial intelligence